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Privacy policy statement and the granting of access to personal details
Dear User,

Dexelop S.r.l., which has its registered offices at No. 18, Via Luigi Rizzo 18, 95131 Catania, is the company that manages this website. The purpose of this statement on the processing of personal details – which is provided in accordance with the terms of Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196, issued on June 30, 2003 – is to invite you to find out more about how we acquire and process personal details and to request your consent for the details you supply to be accessed and processed. First and foremost, we would inform you that Dexelop S.r.l. is committed to processing all personal details in ways that uphold the letter of the law and that comply with the methods set out in this privacy policy statement. The purpose of the processing operations is to provide you with a high quality of service. Should you refuse to allow Dexelop S.r.l. to process even the minimal and anonymous information that your browser communicates automatically to our servers, it will be impossible for the company to provide you with access to this site. If you decide to withhold your consent, you will be invited to leave the site forthwith.

Granting of consent
The user – having read the information provided in accordance with Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196, issued on June 30, 1996 (specified below) – grants his or her informed consent in relation to the processing of his or her own personal details for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy statement. He or she manifests his or her CONSENT by browsing the site freely for an extended period.

Withholding of consent
The user – having read the information provided in accordance with Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196, issued on June 30, 1996 – WITHHOLDS CONSENT for the processing of his or her personal details using the methods set out in the privacy policy statement. He or she manifests his or her REFUSAL TO GRANT CONSENT by terminating forthwith the act of browsing this site.

Privacy Policy
Dexelop S.r.l. is committed to taking great care over the collection and processing of the personal details of its customers and the users of its site. To this end, the company recognises that they have the right to be fully informed as to the type of information collected and the ways in which that information is processed. Our privacy policy is based on the rigorous treatment of minimal information, and the use of personal details is always limited to the context of providing the services requested by the user and carrying out the activities associated with those services.

Owner of the processing operations
The “owner” of the processing operations is Dexelop S.r.l., a company with its registered offices at No. 18, Via Luigi Russo, 95131 Catania, Italy The data managers responsible for carrying out the data processing operations are as follows:
- the Administration Office and Technical Help Desk of Dexelop S.r.l. (for invoicing and customer care)
- Studio Garozzo for the processing of data on accounting and management operations

Place of data processing
The details collected via this website are processed exclusively at the registered offices of Dexelop S.r.l. or at the offices of the professional firms commissioned by Dexelop S.r.l. to conduct accounting and management operations. Purposes of the data processing operations The personal information supplied by the user (of his or her own volition) or otherwise acquired within the context of the operations conducted by Dexelop S.r.l. may be processed in order to:
a) send the requested informative material
b) record requests to activate the service
c) uphold a legal obligation
d) perform statistical analyses for marketing purposes
e) monitor user satisfaction levels
f) provide registered users with information about the service
g) send information material, manuals and CDs

Methods of data processing.
The processing of personal details for the stated purposes will be carried out using automated and non-automated methods and in ways that uphold the terms of the relevant legislation. Dexelop S.r.l. reserves the right to transmit the aforementioned data to those commissioned to provide services (whether physical persons or legal entities) in Italy or other EU countries. The details will be disclosed exclusively to the extent necessary for the delivery of the service.

Type of data collected
The user may supply his or her personal details and other information (of his or her own volition) during the online registration process, by the sending of order forms, during telephone calls, in e-mails, during live chat sessions or via another form of communication.

Information supplied through the act of browsing
To fulfil technical, statistical and web marketing requirements and to tailor the services provided to meet the actual requirements of customers/users, the IT systems and software that make this web site function acquire, during normal browsing operations, a series of personal details, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. The information in question is not collected in order to be associated with specific individuals, but – due to the nature of this type of information – it could, by being processed and cross-referenced with data held by third parties, enable users to be identified. This type of information includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by those who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful completion, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the user. These details are utilised for the sole purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information on the use of the site to monitor the functionality of the site. The details acquired may be used to ascertain responsibility in instances of information-based crimes that may cause damage to the site.

Dexelop S.r.l. may use cookies to facilitate access to the different areas of the site and to enable the systems to recognise a PC making a return visit. Cookies are very small .txt files that are exchanged between the browser and the server during browsing. To make connection to the site more rapid, cookies are archived in the user’s browser or on the user’s hard drive so that they will be immediately available during the next browsing session.

The cookies used by Dexelop S.r.l. (session cookies) do not make it possible in any way to discover the identity of non-registered users or to access the information contained on users’ PCs.

Web Analytics systems
Within this site, Dexelop S.r.l. uses Web Analytics systems with a view to acquiring anonymous statistical data on the behaviour of visitors as they browse the site and on their levels of satisfaction. Cookies and IP addresses may be used for the same purposes.

Security measures
Dexelop S.r.l. has taken all appropriate security measures in order to reduce any risk of deliberate or accidental loss of the data acquired, of unauthorised access by third parties or of prohibited processing operations. Dexelop S.r.l. works to ensure that all of its systems are structured in the most secure way possible.

System features include:
- firewall detectors and anti-virus software on all of the PCs on the internal LANs
- password protection on all of the PCs with FAT NTFS
- paper copies of all accounting and other documentation are filed in steel archives
- sending of password-protected data and documentation using SSL protocols
- servers with HD and SW firewalls
Dexelop recommends that its customers and users equip their own PCs with all of the software devices required to guarantee the protection of their own data.

Opt in/Opt out
Should Dexelop S.r.l. require to use the personal details of customers or users in order to send them advertising or direct marketing material or other forms of commercial communication, the free consent of the customers or users will be sought in advance. Should Dexelop S.r.l. be required to fulfil a legal or contractual obligation, the law states that the prior consent of the customer or user is not required.

Refusal to inform us of your personal details
Alongside the anonymous data collected by our systems during the browsing session, the visitor to the site is at liberty to provide or withhold his or her personal details in the online request forms and order forms and to do the same during live chats with telephone agents. The refusal to provide us with your details could make it absolutely impossible for us to provide you with the service you have requested or to meet the obligations set out by the law.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user
The voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses shown on this site or the sending of personal details shall result in the automatic acquisition of those e-mails/personal details by the CRM systems used by Dexelop S.r.l. in order to enable answers and support to be given rapidly in response to the requests received. The same applies to all data included in the message or supplied during chat sessions.

Your right to access the data
As the user, you have the right to receive information from Dexelop S.r.l. on any personal details concerning you that may be held by the company and to request that they be communicated to you in an intelligible form. You also have the right to receive information on: the origin of your personal details; the purposes of, and methods used, to process your personal details; the systems used, if the processing operations are carried out using electronic instruments; the name and address details of the owner of the processing operations and the data managers; the subjects or categories of subjects to whom/which your personal details may be disclosed or who/which may become party to them in their role as, for example, data managers.

You have the right to request:
a) the updating, correction or, where it is in your interests, completion of the personal details held
b) the cancellation, making anonymous or blocking of access to any of your personal details that have been processed unlawfully, including those that do not require to be held in relation to the purposes for which the details were originally collected and, subsequently, processed
c) confirmation that the content of the operations described at letters a) and b) has been communicated to those individuals to whom the details have been communicated or disclosed, except in cases where the fulfilment of this obligation would be impossible or would require the allocation of resources that are clearly disproportionate to the right being protected.

You have the right to oppose, wholly or partially:
a) the processing of any personal details concerning you, whether relevant to the purpose for which they were collected or not
b) the processing of any personal details concerning you for purposes of direct marketing or the conducting of market research or commercial communication.
To exercise your rights, within the legal limits, please send an e-mail to: info@dexelop.com. We will then endeavour to furnish you an appropriate response.

If you would like to receive more information on the ways in which Dexelop S.r.l. processes your personal details, please write to: info@dexelop.com.

Applicable law
This privacy policy complies with Italian law and, specifically, with the terms of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196, issued on June 30, 2006. This decree, the Italian equivalent of the UK Data Protection Act, governs the processing of personal details by those who are resident or who have offices in Italy.

Changes to the Terms and Conditions on the processing of personal data
Should Dexelop S.r.l. decide or be required by regulation changes to modify its policy on the processing of personal details, the alterations made will be promptly highlighted on this web site. If the personal details were to be processed in a way that differs from that set out at the time in which the data was acquired, the user will receive e-mail notification to this effect, after which he or she may confirm or withhold his or her consent for the use of the relevant data.
© Copyright 2008 Dexelop s. r. l. P.Iva 03482150871 Tout droit réservé